Home / Software & Gaming / It looks like future Prey content may send players to the moon

It looks like future Prey content may send players to the moon

Update (14/03/18): Bethesda and Arkane Studios are continuing to tease future Prey DLC content this week. This time around, the team posted the following cryptic message to Twitter: “a Great meMory: thRee thINGs caNNOt be lOnG hidden: the sun, the MOOn, AnD the tRuth.”

That on its own doesn't give us much, but if you take all of the capital letters and rearrange them, you get to the following message: “Good morning Morgan”. For those of you who have played through Prey already, you will know that Talos 1 wasn't the only Transtar space station in operation. There is also supposed to be one located on the moon.

From the sounds of it, Prey's future DLC will take players to the moon and once again put them in the shoes of Morgan Yu

Original Story (05/03/18): Since launch, Bethesda and Arkane Studios have been fairly quiet on the subject of Prey. The game may not have met lofty sales goals, but it was well received by fans and in my opinion, it was one of the best games of 2017. Around the time of its launch, we heard that DLC plans were on the table, but nothing has been heard since. However, it looks like something is now in the works, involving a lunar base on the moon.

Over on Twitter, the official Prey account posted a shot of the moon in-game, with the caption “do we really know what's out there?”

This on its own wouldn't stand for much. However, Prey DLC has been mentioned in the past and throughout the course of the main game, there are hints that there is a second Transtar base located on the moon.

Bethesda is usually keen on expanding on its published games to keep them in the spotlight for a bit longer. The Elder Scrolls and Fallout games have received expansions, Arkane Studios' two Dishonored games also received expansions and hopefully, Prey will be getting the same treatment.

KitGuru Says: The Prey Twitter account tends to be quite active, so it is possible that this was just supposed to drum up fan engagement. However, given the amount of lore introduced in Prey, it would make sense to expand on the original game to explore things further. Did many of you play Prey last year? Would you like to see new content for it?

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