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Terrarium Desk – bring nature indoors

Are you getting depressed working indoors all the time without a connection to mother nature? Then one solution by Daniel Zeller may resolve the problem, thanks to his new Terrarium Desk.

Zeller is a mobile App developer in Norway and he wanted to add some foliage and greenery to his working day.

The desk is made from locally sourced wood that he artifically aged using a ‘combination of a blowtorch, steel scrape and wood stain'.

The top of the table is created from tempered glass with the drawers on each side made from regular cut glass. Zeller said that the desk turned out ‘almost the way I planned it'.

Inside the Terrarium desk are various plants from Ikea. Watering them once a month should be enough to keep all the plants alive.

It looks however like it may not be available for sale. Dave Parrack at Gizmag said “I asked Zeller whether this inspirational piece of office furniture was purely for personal use or whether he'd ever consider turning it into a commercial interest, to which he replied, “Right now it's mainly for personal use, but if someone wanted to produce it, that would be great.” He further states that the Terrarium Desk, as well as the other things he creates, is “just a hobby for me.””

You can see more on this over here.

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