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Vice president of development for Bioshock Infinite leaves Irrational

Rod Ferguson, one of the biggest names behind the recent release of Irrational's hit, story driven shooter, Bioshock Infinite, has announced his departure from the company, less than a year after accepting the position.

Having previously worked on Gears of War at Epic Games, Ferguson applied for the job at Irrational after learning that they needed what he describes as a “closer,” and he saw it as a great opportunity to bring his expertise to bear, whiles also learning from the likes of  Ken Levine about the mechanics of building a story driven game. While it's unclear whether he meant this to sound like he didn't learn anything about that on Gears of War, we can all understand how that would make sense.

One career option is setting up his own theme restaurant. Thanks to Chad Lakkis for this one. 

“I am very proud of the work that I did and of the team and what they were able to accomplish on Infinite. Now with the game shipped successfully, I've done what I set out to do here and now I'm looking forward to the next chapter in my life and career,” Ferguson said in an interview with Polygon.

It's not known where Ferguson believes he'll end up as of yet, though presumably it'll be a big studio or as developers with long stints at game giants often do, setup his own company.

Kitguru Says: I'm all for more people getting on board with the story in games. A great story can pull you through bad game mechanics and poor graphics; none of it matters if the story hooks you in. 

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