Home / Channel / Have you ever paid for porn online? Irish man blows €1,600

Have you ever paid for porn online? Irish man blows €1,600

If we were being totally honest, I think almost everyone has viewed some porn online. While many would never admit it for sake of embarrassment it appears that some poor bloke has decided to come clean (no pun intended).

According to corkstudentnews a student downloaded a ton of porn and was hit with a €1,600 bill. The poor chap, spoke to the website under confidence and said “When I signed up, I was misinformed. They told me that unlimited internet was part of the deal. I asked the customer service agent [in store] repeatedly to make sure that this was the case, and was repeatedly told that it was. Then two months later I got a bill in the post telling me I owed them about €1,600.

“During my second month on the contract I moved to Cork. But our internet wasn’t installed for three weeks after we moved in, so I ended up using the net on my phone constantly.” We would assume with only one hand.

Estimations of the data use to rack up that bill, would have been over 80 gigabytes. When he complained and said he couldn't pay the full bill, he ended up settling with the phone network for just €400. Seems he got away with it, almost.

Kitguru says: Are you addicted to online porn?

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  1. ouchies. why use a phone for this anyway? its so small ! :p

  2. Size doesn’t matter. It’s the accelerometer and proximity sensor that do.