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DeepCool products now available on Amazon

Following on from our recent review of the DeepCool Steam Castle, many of you asked us where the best place to pick up some of the company's products was. At the time, we didn't have a particularly great answer for you, but now you can pick them up at the internet's product warehouse: Amazon.

Along with the Steam Castle, there's a lot of other products on there too, including the company's bread and butter: CPU and laptop coolers. We've taken a look at a few of those in the past and were always pretty impressed with the results, so there's plenty to choose from if you want to kit your new chassis out with Deep Cool gear.


Since this is the first round of availability though, stock is somewhat limited. At the time of writing there are only two black Steam Castle cases left in stock and one white one, so you may need to be quick if you simply have to have one now.

However, bear in mind that the UK is getting the rough end of the stick when it comes to pricing for those cases. While they are available in the US for just $90, here in the UK you can expect to pay £120, which Amazon has as a discount from its £140 retail price.

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KitGuru Says: Expensive, but worth it perhaps? What do you guys think?

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