Home / Lifestyle / Mobile / Microsoft Office coming to iOS, Android early 2013

Microsoft Office coming to iOS, Android early 2013

Microsoft Office for mobile devices other than its own has long been rumoured and The Verge has now heard from sources that it will be making its way to iOS and Android in early 2013.

“Office Mobile” as it is being touted will allow iOS and Android users to view Microsoft Office documents while out and about. A Microsoft account will grant access to these applications and basic viewing functionality. Editing abilities can be enabled through an Office 365 subscription. Sadly, it does appear as if the available editing features won't be that extensive. Office Mobile is not intended to replace the desktop equivalents. Support for Word, PowerPoint and Excel files will be included.

The iOS version for Apple devices is coming first, with a speculative release set for late February or Early March. While the Office Mobile for Android is due in May.

KitGuru says: So what's swaying me away from using an existing service or mobile office suite? Not much at all really.

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