Home / Lifestyle / Mobile / iPad / New 7 inch iPad rumours persist – in plane switching LCD Display

New 7 inch iPad rumours persist – in plane switching LCD Display

KitGuru reported last week regarding rumours of a new 7 inch iPad set to hit retail with a Cortex A9 processor. While these were only rumours from far eastern shores, it appears that another Taiwanese publication has detailed more information.

Chinese language Economic Daily News reported on Tuesday that Apple plans to launch a second generation iPad with a 7 inch screen. The reason for this release is apparently due to the size and weight of the current 9.7 inch version which is proving too heavy and bulky for some people. If the rumours are true then the weight will be reduced from 700 grams to 500 grams.

The report also suggests that the new iPad will also feature an in plane LCD display for wide viewing angles. Rumours are rife that Foxconn will be joined by Pegatron or Compai for the assembly stages.

Earlier rumours also say that the Cortex 2GHZ A9 processor will be used with the same resolution as the larger version, 1024 x 768.

KitGuru says: Does this excite you or do you hate the iPad? let us know in our forums.

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  1. When the original was released I thought at the time it was too big.

  2. If the price is less then this could sell very well indeed. I think the price puts a lot of people of, even though a lot of them have been sold.

  3. I smell the first stages of a complete ipad sizing range, just like the macbooks 🙂