Home / Software & Gaming / Embracer moves Saints Row studio over to Gearbox

Embracer moves Saints Row studio over to Gearbox

It is no secret that Volition's latest release, a reboot of Saints Row, did not meet expectations. The studio still has plans to fix up the game and release DLC, but the studio will be going through a much bigger shakeup. Moving forward, Volition will now become part of Gearbox. 

Embracer Group acquired Gearbox back in early 2021. Following poor reception to Volition's latest game, the studio will be switching operations and will now fall under the Gearbox Entertainment umbrella.

“Going forward, Volition will transition to become part of Gearbox which has all the tools, including an experienced management team in the US, to create future success at Volition”, Embracer's statement on the matter reads. The company then teases potential future moves to come, saying that while this is the first “internal group transfer” for one of its major studios “it is not necessarily the last”.

While Saints Row did not have a great critical reception, the game did perform in line with Embracer's financial expectations.

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KitGuru Says: It'll be a while before we see the next game from Volition, but hopefully this change will set the studio up for success with its next title. In the meantime, more Saints Row patches are planned.

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