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Addicted to Facebook? try Pavlov Poke

Plenty of people are addicted to Facebook. Just look around any restaurant and there will be at least one couple discussing their location on Facebook or even taking pictures of their dinner to upload. It is a clear indication how tightly integrated social networking is into every day life now.

Are you addicted to Facebook? You are are not sure and think you might be in denial then use this handy scale to check. Many studies already suggest that social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook are more difficult to resist than alcohol and cigarettes.

Pavlov Poke is an amusing idea to help stop your Facebook addition. MIT PhD students Robert R. Morris and Dan McDuff have suggested that users are on Facebook for an average of 400 minutes per month. The Pavlov Poke is an aversion therapy device to help you spend less time on the website.

It consists of a UI inspector that keeps a record on computer application use. It will document how often and how long each site is visited and if it falls into the guidelines set for distraction then a code will pop up via an onscreen alert. An Arduino platform is connected to the computer via a USB feed. The code will then signal a shock and the Arduino triggers the shock circuit sending a current through a pair of electrodes to give the user a harmless, but rather irritating shock.
[yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH2PEBGPXwk']

Thanks to TechCrunch for the information.

Kitguru says: It seems all like a bit of fun to us.

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