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Hackers threaten Apple for possible future attacks

Hackers have published information which is allegedly from an Apple Server. The information contains user names and passwords.

The information was posted in relation to the AntiSec hacking campaign and it looks as if a point is being made, that Apple are not immune to being hacked.

As yet, Apple have not came under fire from any of the major hacking groups, which may be a surprise for many people, considering the companies market value and the disruption it could cause to millions of iTunes and App Store users. The Wall Street Journal posted information saying that AntiSec are made up with some members from Anonymous and Lulzsec, who issued their closure last week.

Warnings have already gone out, indicating that Apple may come under further attack down the line. 9to5Mac have a commentary on the latest attack and they claim that the recent attacks were pretty harmless.

Kitguru says: Have these big corporations learned mistakes from Sony's recent failure to deal with attacks or are the leading hacking groups just to good to stop, regardless of security measures?

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