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Samsung ask USA to ban imported Apple goods

Samsung and Apple have a fairly strained relationship right now, which is being highlighted by Samsung's request to stop the US from importing their goods. The problem revolves around a dispute over iPhone and iPad devices and a patent dispute.

Samsung said in a statement on Thursday that they had filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commision. This filing says that Apple are violating five patents held by Samsung, and due to the fact that many of Apple's products are assembled outside the US, the products should be held until the dispute is settled.

Samsung have said they are seeking a “permanent exclusion order prohibiting entry to the United States of all Apple products in violation of these patents.” Apple have yet to comment on the situation.

Apple sued Samsung in April this year and instead of rolling over, Samsung have hit back with a series of complaints against Apple. Samsung supply memory to Apple for many of their products and Apple still have a case pending in South Korea against Samsung.

Apple claim that Samsung are infringing seven patents related to the Galaxy device touch screens, such as user gestures, pinching and scrolling and even zooming.

Lawyers for Samsung have said “Apple has copied many of Samsung’s innovations in its Apple iPhone, iPod and iPad products.”

Kitguru says: It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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