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Twitter shakes up executive management

Social micro blogging network Twitter, has announced a changing of the guard for its upper management, bringing with it a new chief operating officer and chief financial officer.

The announcement was made by Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, unsurprisingly, via Twitter. “Congratulations to @rowghani on his new role as COO and to @mgupta on his new role as CFO,” he said, referring to the newly appointed Ali Rowghani and Mike Gupta.

As AllthingsD points out, Rowghani joined twitter in 2010 after a stint at Pixar, as chief financial officer. He now leaves that position to become the new COO, while his old role is handled by Gupta, who previously worked at both Zynga and Yahoo.

The challenge going into the new year for the newly appointed, will likely be further monetisation of the service. Twitter has massively grown in usage in recent years, but aside from sponsored posts – which no one is a fan of – Twitter hasn't seen the financial success its popularity suggests it should have.

Twitter recently reached 200 million active users

Twitter also recently announced that select beta users could begin making use of a Twitter download feature that let them get hold of archived zip files of all their tweets in a variety of formats. It could come as either a text file, or an HTML file, allowing for a more web interface like archive.

KitGuru Says: Presumably this reshuffle won't be affecting the company much over Christmas, but it at least allows both of those shuffled about, to hit the ground running in the New year.

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