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Amazon start monthly Prime membership

Amazon have made a change in America to their Prime service which allows a portion of customers to subscribe on a monthly basis, rather than pay for full year. The PRIME service is popular with regular Amazon customers as it can save them a large amount of money over the course of a year. Amazon also recently added video streaming and the Kindle Owner's Lending Library to the service.

This service costs $79 in America for a full year and the new monthly option will be billed at $7.99 – or $96 annually. UK customers are still tied into the £49 a year option.

The move to monthly billing is seen as a move by Amazon to compete more directly in the streaming sector. People who don't want PRIME support all year, can pay during peak periods, such as the end of year holidays.

Kitguru says: The monthly billing option is in a testing phase and it won't appear on every customer's computer, even in America. Amazon haven't publicly said yet when, or if it will roll out nationwide.

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