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Sun newspaper hacked by Lulzsec

It appears that Lulzsec, the famous hacking group, have not disbanded. They have apparently hacked The Sun Newspaper, owned by media tycoon Rupert Murdoch.

The hack included the publishing of a fake story which said that Rupert Murdoch was found dead in his garden. Visitors to the website were then redirected to Lulzsecs Twitter Account, which at the time said “WE HAVE JOY WE HAVE FUN, WE HAVE MESSED UP MURDOCH'S SUN”

The last post on Lulzsec's Twitter page says “For all you new people that are watching us right now: this is what we do, this is how we do it. High-quality entertainment just for you”

Lulzsec: targeted The Sun Newspaper

News International took down both The Sun and The Times websites while they fixed their server.

Lulzsec have also said that they know the password of Rebekah Brook's email address. Rebekah was the chief executive of News International.

Kitguru says: Lulzsec are one of the most widely known group of hackers, and have over 300,000 followers on Twitter.

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  1. I dont think many people will have any sympathy for News International right now.

  2. Yes, let’s hack into a newspaper belonging Murdoch to teach him a lesson for the phone hacking scandal. These attention seekers have done nothing but piss me off from day one.