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CM Storm Stryker Chassis Review

Today to test this chassis we have set our Digital Sound Level Noise Decibel Meter Style 2 one meter away from the case.

We then removed the discrete graphics card, and temporarily turned the two Akasa Venom Voodoo fans off. This leaves us with only the included case fans and very little noise from the power supply fan.

As this can be a little confusing for people, here are various dBa ratings in with real world situations to help describe the various levels.

KitGuru noise guide

10dBA – Normal Breathing/Rustling Leaves
– Whisper
– High Quality Computer fan
– A Bubbling Brook, or a Refrigerator
– Normal Conversation
– Laughter
– Vacuum Cleaner or Hairdryer
– City Traffic or a Garbage Disposal
– Motorcycle or Lawnmower
– MP3 player at maximum output
– Orchestra
– Front row rock concert/Jet Engine
– Threshold of Pain
– Military Jet takeoff/Gunshot (close range)
160dBA – Instant Perforation of eardrum

As this chassis features a fan controller we initially set it to full speed for the previous tests and then measured the sound level output for both full and the lowest fan speeds.

Even at the lowest speed setting, the fan noise is noticeable and when at full speed the fan noise would be slightly annoying. We could spend a little extra money to swap out for higher grade quality fans.

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  1. fabulous looking case ! i love the original design. not sure im so into the white colour myself.

  2. white im not a fan off. looks nice, but hte original design appeals to me more. bit expensive too when compared to some other cases now.