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ADATA XPG V2 3100MHz 8GB Memory Kit Review

Super Pi is used by a huge audience, particularly to check stability when overclocking processors. If a system is able to calculate PI to the 2 millionth place after the decimal without mistake, it is considered to be stable in regards to RAM and CPU.

We used Super Pi’s ’16M’ benchmark setting.

super pi


Despite being paired with a 25MHz lower CPU frequency, ADATA's 3100MHz memory sticks register a score that puts them as the test's joint leader. One second is shaved off the time set by ADATA's almost identical 2800MHz memory.

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  1. Great looking kit, but wow at the price, just wow.

  2. These kits are for such a small audiience, but its fascinating to see how much frequency they are getting out of them.

    Shame at these speeds they couldnt tigthen them up a little to 11-12 timings.

  3. how much ADATA XPG V2 3100MHz 8GB Memory Kit Review,,

  4. is there a DDR2 Version for this?