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Kitguru Lite: Battlefield 3 v Modern Warfare 3, which is winning?

The battle between Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 has been intense since both were released. Opinion is split, but many people feel annoyed that Modern Warfare 3 is basically a ‘console' port. Are the sales figures worth a discussion however? Kitguru Lite investigates.

Personally I think Battlefield 3 is the much better game, especially as the developers have actually decided to spend both time and resources with the latest version of the beautiful Frostbite engine. This runs amazingly well on a high end PC, and shows the benefits of PC v Console. This is however a debate for another day. Which game is actually selling better to the punter on the street?

Kitguru Lite takes a look at the sales figures this week and we also have a look at other interesting news items…

Kitguru says: Battlefield 3 or Call Of Duty 3, which do you rate as the better game?

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  1. Modern Warfare 3 is an ok single player game, but it looks like a console port. nothing to make me feel like spending £200 on a new video card.

    Battlefield 3, I need to get, it looks a lot better IMO. especially online.

  2. MW3 is just a rehashed MW2, doesnt even look any better graphically.

    Its a port from the PS3/360.

    I wont support it, and my friend says the online games are crap too. the maps are all too small and badly designed.

  3. The problem is that Modern Warfare will sell no matter what this company produce. just on the name alone. Its like Apple and their hardware. release some new crap and rebadge it. wham another $400 million.

    I am hoping they do some PC specific code next time and fix the multiplayer options which are bad.

    Battlefield 3 gets my vote without a doubt.

  4. BF3 from me too…

  5. BF3 vs MW3 i choose BF, since it has huge maps, 64 players, vehicles and better graphics. But it’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination since it comes by default with world famous EA bugs and shenanigans. Just spend a few minutes on the EA forum dedicated to BF 3 on the PC threads and you’ll know why.

  6. I went out and bought a 6970 becuase of BF3. Love it.
    Then i bought MW3. Love it.

    There’s a faced paced action you dont get in BF, that i’ve always loved in COD.
    …but there is a team oriented battlelines drawn experience in BF…

    Both satisfy the spectrum of FPS for me.

  7. Neither, BLACK OPS 2 is winning 😀