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DOOM: The Dark Ages will be medieval-inspired and multiplatform

In recent weeks, there has been a lot of buzz around the idea that a new DOOM game is coming out soon. Various leakers have already claimed that the next Doom game from id Software will be revealed at the Xbox Showcase in June. Now, more details have come to light and it looks like the Doom Slayer is heading to the dark ages. 

Previously, a document revealed through the Microsoft vs FTC trial revealed Bethesda's roadmap for future years, including an unannounced project called Doom: Year Zero. Now, according to both Insider Gaming and Windows Central, this game will be titled DOOM: The Dark Ages, and will take on inspiration from medieval times.

From the sounds of it, this could end up being a prequel. A recent trademark listing from Bethesda referred to IDKFA, a cheat code that has appeared in many of the games, unlocking all weapons and maximum armour. It has been claimed that DOOM: The Dark Ages will release for both Xbox and PS5, expanding on Microsoft's multiplatform gaming plans.

Whether or not DOOM: The Dark Ages will be set for a 2024 release remains to be seen. The previous game, DOOM Eternal, came out in 2020, with two story DLCs coming out afterwards. With that in mind, the new game has likely been in the works for a little under four years at this point.

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KitGuru Says: Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are two of the most fun single-player shooters you can pick up. I'll have high hopes for the next game in the series. What would you like to see in a medieval inspired DOOM game? 

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