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EA denies reports of low Battlefront sales

Recently, Gamestop suggested that sales of Star Wars: Battlefront fell “short of expectations”, which may have been true for the brick and mortar store chain but EA's Peter Moore claims that from the publisher's view, Battlefront is far from the sales flop that some are currently suggesting, though exact sales figures are still not being revealed.

Last week, Gamestop's COO said: “EA's Star Wars Battlefront fell short of expectations. We're not going to quantify it in actual number, but we had high expectations that diminished somewhat as it got closer, and then it failed to hit those lowered expectations.”


In response to this, EA's COO, Peter Moore said: “The comments were interesting and little bit of a surprise to us particularly as the CFO in the call then started to correct the COO as the call went on. So from our perspective I'm here to reaffirm our guidance of 13 million units sold in for the fiscal year.”

“There is no weakness that is perceptible yet in the title and I want everybody understand that based on where we think this title is and based on the marketing beats ahead of us in particular the movie launch over the next two weeks we feel very comfortable we're going to hit the guidance that we've given analysts, investors and Wall Street alike.”

Previously, EA had revealed that it expected to sell 13 million copies of Battlefront during this fiscal year, and with the new movie coming out in two weeks, we can expect a bit more of a marketing push.

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KitGuru Says: Many have expressed disappointment in the way that Battlefront turned out and I don't blame them, the game does seem a little short on content and as far as shooters go, it isn't really much of a ‘core' game. However, given all of the Star Wars hype floating around this month, I would doubt that the game would flop. 

Via: Seeking Alpha

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  1. Nothing to do with the £50 price tag for half a game?

  2. Nothing to do with the £50 price tag for half a game?

  3. It’s like 12th a game nevermind half

  4. It’s like 12th a game nevermind half

  5. Maybe if it wasn’t £100 for the full game then it’d sell more

  6. Maybe if it wasn’t £100 for the full game then it’d sell more

  7. Well, I wouldn’t mind getting hyped up from getting to swing that Sith crusader? lightsaber. Mean how else this difficult text makes any sense than the game actually getting some new movie setups added to it?

  8. Well, I wouldn’t mind getting hyped up from getting to swing that Sith crusader? lightsaber. Mean how else this difficult text makes any sense than the game actually getting some new movie setups added to it?

  9. It’s not even the full game either.

  10. It’s not even the full game either.

  11. Also, when I see more Star Wars bits and think about past movies. I get this feeling that Kotor 1-2 has the same key parts in the plot, which is very curious coincidence. 😀

  12. Also, when I see more Star Wars bits and think about past movies. I get this feeling that Kotor 1-2 has the same key parts in the plot, which is very curious coincidence. 😀

  13. “There is no weakness that is perceptible yet in the title and I want everybody understand that based on where we think this title is and based on the marketing beats ahead of us in particular the movie launch over the next two weeks we feel very comfortable we’re going to hit the guidance that we’ve given analysts, investors and Wall Street alike.”

    Looks like a whole bunch of words to say they haven’t hit their targets yet.

  14. “There is no weakness that is perceptible yet in the title and I want everybody understand that based on where we think this title is and based on the marketing beats ahead of us in particular the movie launch over the next two weeks we feel very comfortable we’re going to hit the guidance that we’ve given analysts, investors and Wall Street alike.”

    Looks like a whole bunch of words to say they haven’t hit their targets yet.

  15. It is flopping because they did not want to take the time or spend the money to make it single player with a story. I was so looking forward to this game until I found out it was multiplayer online. Like I want to be stuck with a bunch of 12-13 year olds that have a hissy fit everytime you frag them….no money spent by me for this crap to bad too it could have been great game like the rest.

  16. We’re not going to release actual sale figures to prove our point, but here is a very convoluted sentence to make our investors think we’re doing okay… It’s never been about the gamers, even thought they’re starting to see through our ploys.

  17. I fully agree, lets hope they use all the assets and build a single player game for us.

  18. I’m not sure i get this. a half game? what half is missing?

  19. Conquest, 10 planets, 17 heroes, space battles, AI, 64 player matches and mods to name a few…

  20. 10 maps and simular generic gamemodes. Yeah that’s really worth £50 when games like tf2 have hundreds for free

  21. Most complaints are from people who aren’t the target audience of the game, so no wonder EA isn’t too disappointed with the sales.