Home / Software & Gaming / Ubisoft is cracking down on ‘AFK farming’ in For Honor

Ubisoft is cracking down on ‘AFK farming’ in For Honor

For Honor has been out for just over a month now and while some have moved on from the game, there are still plenty logging in every day trying to pick up their daily rewards. Unfortunately, quite a few players have been trying to progress through For Honor's end-game without actually playing it, using a technique called ‘AFK farming'. The problem became so widespread that Ubisoft made it a top priority, sending out warnings to over 4000 players and outright banning an additional 1500.

In For Honor, some players have been using things like rubber bands to hold a controller thumbstick in a certain direction, allowing your character to move around while you go off and do something else entirely. This tactic would stop a user from getting kicked from a match for being AFK, while also allowing them to gain end-game rewards at the end without playing the game at all.

This became a big problem in the community, forcing Ubisoft to crack down on it fast. At first, a wave of warnings was set out to thousands of players and those who continued the practise were banned. Writing about the ban wave, Ubisoft said that “using a cheat engine to exploit AFK farming is against our code of conduct and these players will get a permaban for cheating”.

KitGuru Says: For Honor is a game that I can see developing a strong cult following. However, in order to achieve that, Ubisoft is going to need to clamp down on cheats and practises like AFK farming as quickly as possible to stop legitimate players from leaving the game behind. Did any of you guys pick up For Honor?  Are you still playing it?

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  1. Here’s a vid related to AFK botting – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lTQVMsQB04

  2. I got paid $104,000 previous year by working from my home a­n­d I manage to earn that much by w­orking part-time f­­o­­r 3+ hrs a day. I’m using an earning opportunity I found online and I am happy that i earned such great money. It’s very user-friendly and I’m so happy that i discovered it. Check out what I do… http://www.wzurl­.­me/tEXzrw

  3. This is not a hack all it is is his controller or keyboard set to move forward and the attack key taped down so he keeps doing the same thing over and over and over and over. Is it right don’t know don’t care. Now if someone was actually hacking and using a auto bot the movements would be more in line with how a real player would play the game. Not as good but close enough that no one should notice. Is it cheating probably not well not what this guy was doing if someone was hacking for better points then yes. Using a bot not cheating but pretty sad that you pay for a game and can’t actually take the time to play it..Just my 25 cents worth on this.

    PS: The only thing this sort of player is doing is making him/her self look like a tard I am pretty sure I would not want my name having anything to do with this type of game play…lmao