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Android Trojan ‘Geinimi’ warning issued

A nasty new trojan has hit the Android scene, dubbed ‘Geinimi. It seems to be originating from China and is capable of gathering personal information and sending it out to remote servers.

Lookout Mobile Security found the trojan, which they are classing as one of the worst yet on the Android platform. It has botnet qualities and is the most sophisicated wireless malware it has ever seen. Infected programs so far are limited to Chinese App Stores, but fresh fears indicate that it could spread outside the Far East into Europe and American locations.

Lookout Mobile Security said “Geinimi is effectively being ‘grafted' onto repackaged versions of legitimate applications, primarily games, and distributed in third-party Chinese Android app markets, The affected applications request extensive permissions over and above the set that is requested by their legitimate original versions.”

They have updated their free and paid for software to identify and block this malicious code so it would be a good time for your Andriod users to snag some protection.

KitGuru says: Android is a stunning mobile OS, and like everything that gets a hold of the public attention, there will always be people who want to crap all over it.

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  1. Christ’ sake. I hoped this would take a bit longer 🙁 idiots.

  2. Leave Android alone!…

    go bug apple.