Home / Lifestyle / Mobile / Apple / Macbook Air with ARM A5 chip spotted in wild

Macbook Air with ARM A5 chip spotted in wild

Apple are apparently looking at British chip maker ARM for a potential upcoming laptop design. Japanese language site Macotakara have a writer who has claimed to have seen a Macbook Air which is based on Apple's A5 ARM processor.

This test machine was supposedly made for Apple by Quanta, a Taiwanese contract manufacturer. This would verify rumors that earlier in the month Apple were already working on prototypes powered with ARM processors.

The source has said that the A5 chip works very well, especially when considering the A5 processor is currently used in tablets and smartphones. There was no information on the operating system installed, but we would assume it was a later version of OSX, not iOS.

The source also claims that the machine is equipped with a Thunderbolt port, Intel's hot new interface connection with speeds up to 10 Gb/s.

KitGuru says: No other information on the A5 powered Macbook Air is available, and Apple certainly won't be admitting it is in production, not until they are ready to announce it.

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One comment

  1. I cant see this taking off. the cpu is not powerful enough for an OSX install. IOS sure, its very low overhead. dumb idea