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Surface Book 2 and Surface Pro 5 may not appear next month after all

It looks like Microsoft's upcoming Surface Book 2 might take a bit longer than expected. We previously heard rumours that Microsoft might be planning to launch its next-generation laptop at its next event in April but reports this week point towards that not being the case, with reliable sources coming forward with new information.

This latest news comes from ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley, who has a history of being reliable with early Microsoft-related information. According to her sources, the Surface Book 2 won't be arriving this Spring and apparently, the Surface Pro 5 may also end up being a no show.

A few weeks ago, we first heard that the Surface Book 2 would be arriving shortly in a new clamshell design. this would be a shift away from the two-in-one design that set the Surface Book apart from the crowd when it first launched.

Instead of this, we may end up seeing a new Surface product at Microsoft's Spring hardware launch. If it's not the Surface Book or Surface Pro followup, then perhaps it will be the long awaited Surface Phone or even a new all-in-one system like last year's Surface Studio. Either way, things appear to be up in the air at the moment.

KitGuru Says: This news comes from a much more reputable source than the original Surface Book 2 claims. With that said, this does all throw Microsoft's next event into question. What will the company be launching? Will we finally see a Surface Phone? Is there something else up Microsoft's sleeve? Hopefully we start to hear more information soon.

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