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Newborn babies pictured on social media with an hour

The constant need to share every single aspect of our lives online extends to new born babies. A new poll found that parents are most likely to share a photograph of the new family member within the space of a single hour.

The most popular platform for sharing images of babies is Facebook, followed by Instagram and Flickr.

Parents surveyed said they shared pictures of their children online to share with distant friends and family but one in five parents said they shared to ‘better' other parents photographs. Only 6 percent of people in the survey said they never uploaded pictures of their children to social media. 64 percent said they did so at least three times a week.

Marc Phelps of the baby photo agency www.posterista.co.uk who commissioned the survey spoke to the Telegraph saying “The fact that a picture of the average newborn is now online within an hour just goes to highlight the enormous impact social media has had on our lives in the past five years, and how prevalent these pages are in helping to keep loved ones informed on the special occasions in our lives, such as the birth of a new child.“However, it is a shame that such a percentage of those asked don’t display their images anywhere else other than on these sites.”

Kitguru says: Would you immediately share a picture of your new baby online?

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