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Cameron to ‘keep our country safe’ by blocking extremist sites

In a recent minutes report of the House of Commons discussion, prime minister David Cameron revealed that he plans to implement blocks against “extremist” websites, in order to help “keep our country safe.”

Spotted by the folks over at Reddit, the quote that's got people riled up is as follows:

“We have had repeated meetings of the extremism task force—it met again yesterday—setting out a whole series of steps that we will take to counter the extremist narrative, including by blocking online sites. Now that I have the opportunity, let me praise Facebook for yesterday reversing the decision it took about the showing of beheading videos online. We will take all these steps and many more to keep our country safe,” Mr Cameron said in the minutes.

I wish we were talking about this Cameron's blocking… Source: FlickeringMyth 

This is starting to look very representative of the slippery slope we've talked about before, with the prime minister's interests in online censorship. While Mr Cameron doesn't go into whether these blocks will be achieved through ISP blocks or through filtering, it seems likelt to be the latter. He's previously discussed his fandom of the filters produced by Chinese firm Huawei, which has recently opened up a new £125 million research facility in the UK.

KitGuru Says: I really wish someone would explain to people in power that site blocks don't do anything. They're so easy to bypass. Also how long do we think until political dissidence sites get blocked too? 

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