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Can a Django exclusive deal save Blockbuster? Probably not

Blockbuster, the long time film rental company that was bought in March this year by a company that presumably was paying homage to the South Park episode about just such a strange purchase, is hoping to keep its head above water in the UK by securing a one week rental exclusivity deal with Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained.

Beginning 13th May, Blockbuster customers will be able to rent Django, which gives the chain exclusivity for one week, with it hitting high street retail shelves on the 20th. Of course the success of this promotion really depends on how many people still use DVDs and don't direct stream and even then, those that rent instead of buying, since you can often find DVDs for a few pounds just a few months after launch.


Even if you do rent DVDs, wouldn't you just use Amazon or LoveFilm and have them posted to you, so you don't have to bother visiting a store twice?

Since its takeover in march, Blockbuster has also announced it will be moving into music, books and other “ancillary items.” [Thanks MCV]

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