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Mega launch plagued by heavy load

When launching a website, every developer wants to see the popularity of their new property explode. They want the media talking about it and people watching their press conference, reading their tweets and above all, using the site itself. While that has happened in the case of Kim Dotcom's new launch, Mega, it's been plagued by slow load times due to heavy traffic.

While some users are now beginning to report reasonable sign up times and site access, still many are struggling with incredibly slow upload speeds. Even more so with downloads, which should be far faster than their vertical opposite. This is somewhat unsurprising however, since we heard that over a million users signed up within the first 24 hour period. Even for a file locker veteran like Dotcom, this was no doubt an impressive surprise.

File Upload
A common sight for Mega users at the moment

Other users have complained about the fact that due to the site's use of HTML and security focus, only up to date browsers are compatible, with Mega itself suggesting Chrome if a user tries to access it with an outdated IE or Firefox.

Fortunately accessing the site itself is now pretty quick. Soon after launch people were trying all sorts of things to get through to Mega's homepage, with a popular technique of removing the “www” helping some. As it stands, we haven't heard from prolific tweeter Dotcom in nearly 48 hours, so it seems likely he's working in the background attempting to get speeds back up to their intended pace.

KitGuru Says: How many of you signed up for accounts? Are you having slowdown problems? Let us know.

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