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OCZ Vector 180 480GB and 960GB Review

IOMeter is another open source synthetic benchmarking tool which is able to simulate the various loads placed on hard drive and solid state drive technology.
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We test with both random read and write 4k tests, as shown above. There are many ways to measure the IOPS performance of a Solid State Drive, so our results will often vary (slightly) from the manufacturer’s quoted ratings.
iometer 4k readiometer 4k write
iometer 4k readiometer 4k write
IOPS performance falls a little short of OCZ's official claims of 100,000 read and 95,000 write. Both 480GB and 960GB drives performed to a similar level in our own tests, scoring (approximately) 90,000 write and 95,000 read. These are great results and we would point out that the differences are likely related to variances in testing methodology.

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