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Konami reveals new Metal Gear Solid details in video showcase

Since its official announcement back in May of last year, many fans of the Metal Gear Solid series have been eagerly awaiting for additional information on MGS Delta: Snake Eater. Bits and pieces of information have been released since – with Konami now sharing a 20-minute presentation on the franchise as a whole.

Available right now on Konami’s Japanese YouTube channel, a video titled ‘Metal Gear – Production Hotline’ revealed a number of small details on the current status of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater alongside other MGS projects.

As translated by ResetEra user ‘Dusk Golem’, the video covers multiple MGS titles, and as such not too much was shared on Delta. That said, the team did reveal the upcoming title’s main menu – showcasing some neat touches in its attention to detail.

The majority of the update was focused on the already-available Metal Gear Solid Master Collection, which had a less-than-stellar launch.

Fortunately, the team appears dedicated to fixing things, sharing a handy list of all planned changes; including 4K support for the games. Finally!

Though the video was overall light on information, the team promised that a bigger presentation will take place “soon” – so look forward to that.

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KitGuru says: What do you think of the start screen for MGS Delta? What about the changes coming to the MGS Master Collection? Let us know down below.

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