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OMG (Part 1): Intel Xeon 5680 Chips Served on eVGA SR2

Fast is all a matter of degrees. Roll the clock back 10 years and Intel was happy to supply you with a 1GHz processor. These days, 1GHz is reserved for phones and cheap netbooks. Given that real/raw performance relates more to clock speed and cores than anything else, what if you cranked the GHz score way past 400% up from the CPUs of yesteryear and allowed a PC to run 24 threads. KitGuru today begins a journey of wonder.

OMG ranks alongside MEGA LOLs as one of our favourite text-speaks of the 21st century. Literally OH MY GOD. KitGuru gets its hands on a lot of kit that makes us smile. Sometimes grin. But the most recent hands-on experience produced a serious stream of OMGs, MEGA LOLs and a twitchy desire to sell random possessions in order to buy some of this kit.

You don't need it. But you really do want it.

So what has reduced KitGuru's white-coat-wearing army of combat benchmarking veterans into a gang of giggling school kids staring at the lingerie pages of a home delivery catalogue?


Opening these packages.

Xeon 5680 chips arrive
Open, arrange, shoot, flip, shoot. Then realise you're grinning like an idiot. A very happy idiot.
Xeon 5680
No doubt. These are the Kray Twins of the CPU world. You'd pay them NOT to hurt you.
Xeon 5680
Intel Xeons are knitted by grannies. Ultra hardcore punk grannies with implants and plasma rifles.
They look big enough when you shoot them next to the picture of the SR2 on the back of the box

The really fun part was putting the chips on top of the mainboard box.

Anyone remember 2010 when the Russian chap takes a space walk near the monolith ?

Even mighty Xeons get a little nervous in the presence of EVGA's mental SR2

OK. So the OMG series has begun.

Work will commence on the kit in question and we'll be following it all carefully, camera at the ready.

KitGuru says: Can't wait to see how this thing overclocks and benches! Discuss in our forums.

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