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UK government push £50 million for superfast broadband

George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has said that they will direct another £50 million to help push the development of super fast broadband.

KitGuru has covered the poor state of broadband services in the United Kingdom before, and it is clear that some of the superfast packages are loaded with ‘small print' and stipulations. The UK Government are directing this money towards local authorities in areas where ‘the market alone would not reach'.

Osbourne said “We want to have the best superfast broadband network in Europe by 2015 and today’s £50 million will benefit up to 800,000 homes and businesses. This is very much a locally-driven process and we encourage bids from all local people with plans for improving broadband in their local area.”

The BSUK has a reserve of £530 million available which they are meant to use to ‘support broadband services and stimulate further private sector investment'.

KitGuru says: Let's hope that the services not only expand, but improve. We would all love to live in a world when 50mbit broadband actually meant just that . No limitations, no restrictions and no caps, especially not, as in Virgin Media's case for 12 hours out of every 24 hours.

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