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KitGuru Reader Awards 2018: Winners Announced!

Over 12,000 technology enthusiasts and influencers voted in the KitGuru Reader Awards 2018 and – for that – we thank you all! There were 37 categories available and we wanted to know which brands and technologies you felt were the best on offer in each and every one.  The votes are now in and you have made your decision!

2018 has been an interesting year. Intel and AMD have launched new processors, the cost of a large scale SSD has dropped and the most eagerly anticipated graphics technology for a long time has finally arrived in the market.

Your choices for components, peripherals and devices like headphones, speakers and smartphones show that KitGuru readers are not afraid of the price tag when it comes to creating their ideal system. Getting the right specification and feature set is far more important.

In an ironic twist, the 37 awards shown below have the same company at the start and end – like a perfectly balanced pair of high-tech bookends.

Your votes will carry forward into the EHA Community Awards, which will be announced on Wednesday. Enough pre-amble, let's get on to the announcements!

The winner of the PC Specialist giveaway will also be announced soon, so stay tuned for that!

KitGuru says: Big CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners – and a sincere well done to the other companies who competed valiantly. Agree or disagree with the choices?  Hit us up over on Facebook and let us know!



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KitGuru is now celebrating its 15th year as one of the largest technology news and reviews publications in the world. We have published almost 50,000 articles and reviews, more than 2200 videos and amassed 235,000 subscribers to our video channel. That expert-created content has attracted a monthly audience of close to 3 million readers and we thank each and every one of you for supporting us! Now it's that time of year again, when we ask you – our valued readers – to let us know which brands you believe make the best products in each category.