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Xbox saw an 18 percent boost in revenue last quarter, generating $2.25 billion

While the Xbox One might not be the biggest console of the generation, it is still making plenty of money for Microsoft. Today, Microsoft revealed that its video-game division brought in $2.25 billion between January and the end of March.

At $2.25 billion, Microsoft's video-game related revenue has risen by 18 percent year-over-year. During the same quarter in 2017, Xbox generated $1.906 billion. The earnings report doesn't disclose Xbox console sales, which is a policy that has been in place for a while, but Microsoft did share that there are 59 million active Xbox Live users each month.

Game sales revenue has grown by 24 percent on Xbox, which is mainly driven by third-party titles, with Fortnite and PUBG being big sellers in particular. The Xbox Game Pass is also another driving factor, we don't have a total number of subscribers for the service, but it grew with the launch of Sea of Thieves, and will likely see another spurt of users in May, when State of Decay 2 launches.

Essentially, things are looking bright for the future of Xbox. More recently, the division has spent more on operating costs too, suggesting that it is increasing investment across studios. Hopefully we'll start to see some of the fruits of that at E3 in June.

KitGuru Says: Microsoft might not have the strongest first-party slate of the generation, but the Xbox brand seems to be far from dead.

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