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Microsoft accidentally confirms Windows 9 ‘coming soon’

Microsoft's Chinese office has accidentally leaked the Windows 9 logo in a blog post, along with the tag line “Microsoft’s latest OS Windows 9 is coming soon, do you think the start menu at the left bottom will make a come back?”. The post has since been removed but it wasn't fast enough to avoid screenshots and media reports from circulating.

Microsoft has yet to officially comment on Windows 9, codenamed Threshold. However, this leak coincides with recent reports suggesting that the company will release a preview of the updated operating system by the end of September.

Windows 9
This is confirmed to be one of Microsoft's mock up logos, it is possible that it won't feature on the final product.

The upcoming Windows 9 preview for developers and and enterprise users will give us our first look at the new user interface, which is said to feature a metro style start button. The charms bar feature will likely be removed and changes will be made to the way Windows 8 apps interact with the desktop.

While the return of the start button will be the main selling point, reports have suggested that Microsoft is also testing its digital assistant, Cortana, on desktop machines- meaning we could see it come to Windows 9 in a future update.

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KitGuru Says: Windows 9 looks to be on the way. What will it take to convince you to upgrade? 

Source: CNbeta

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  1. Intel chipsets and Microsoft Operating Systems are becoming more and more dangerous for the users. These products are not IT products any more. They are special agents of CIA, NSA and MOSSAD.

  2. Sticking with 7. 8 Looked abismass, and 9 so far still look like 8 reskinned to me.

  3. Oh please just shut up with all your damn paranoia already. Every chip maker and OS maker is likely doing the same, don’t wrongly relegate it to Microsoft and Intel for committing these offences. Just get over it, nothing the people can do to stop this, espionage is the word of the digital era, anyone who believed it would never happen is either idiotic or too hopeful of a person

  4. You, Western People DO NOT know anything about the Jews.

  5. I’m not talking about the Jews, you mentioned MOSSAD but I’m not talking about the Jews, you’re a bit nutty my friend

  6. Your comment is the proof of your ignorance. Ignorance of the Western World. First of all you have to learn the Jews in Western Governments. CIA is not American it is Jewish. NSA is not American it is Jewish. I do not need to teach you here. May be you are a Kike Troll.

  7. =[ Sounds like we have a genuine anti-semitic ass hat here, what’s your problem man. Were you born with a burning hatred for the Jews, folks like you need to re-evaluate themselves before you even think of generalising a race of people as being characteristically the same.

  8. You do realize that you made a hypocritical statement… calling Jim paranoid but then saying he’s right. xD

  9. It was a bit of accident, poor choice of words. The point I wanted to make was that all of the companies are likely dabbling in these practices, it is pointless to remain paranoid about it because its practically a fact of life these days so his paranoia is pointless

  10. The root of corruption lies not within the religion that one aligns themselves with but it lies within the souls of those that choose to follow a dark path and deceitful path.

  11. Do you mean the same Microsoft that is refusing to allow the United States government to have access to their customers emails?

  12. Here’s what I would need to convince me to buy Windows 9:
    ~ Better performance
    ~ Lower resource hogging
    ~ Won’t turn my computer into a giant iPad
    ~ Compatibility for all my programs/games
    ~ a Start button

  13. Windows 8.1 is pure joy, i bet you haven’t even used it.

  14. Well I just got a ProtonMail account. It’s super secure and actually nice to use and reassuring that it isn’t being scanned. 🙂

  15. I agree with all of those, minus the last one. You quickly adapt and come to learn that a start button is actually a pretty slow method of navigation compared to full indexed searching across multiple drives in a matter of seconds, anything else just pin it to the taskbar. Hotkeys and shortcuts are all you need.

  16. Pretty sure 8.1 already has all that, since installing 8.1 and classic shell my computer has never started up to the metro screen, and work like A desk top should

  17. I don’t like the direction Windows took with all the “Windows apps” in your face. I don’t like Skype, I don’t like Microsoft’s OneDrive, or even their office offerings. I should have the choice of office suite that I want to integrate with; LibreOffice, Open Office, or Google’s offerings. In turn, it needs to be inexpensive. I’m already running my main rig with Windows 7 and stream my games to all my devices using Steam In-Home Streaming. No longer does the OS dictate how my games will run.

  18. Don’t care how quickly you adapt, for a Desktop user of 20 years, the metro UI is more cumbersome and not as intuitive as a the standard windows interface when it comes to Keyboard and Mouse usage, i deal with a lot of people who have no idea how to navigate and use windows with this UI, it has taken them all their effort and mental capacity to get used to how the standard UI works, and they are familiar and comfortable with it, the Metro UI confuses them and makes doing simple tasks more complicated, on a standard windows UI, you can quickly click a tab on the start bar at the bottom and be at the program you have go running, with the Metro UI you are always using fullscreen apps, Internet explorer(for those who are not capable of understanding how to get and use other browsers) has the address bar at the bottom of the screen and i watched someone who was unable to find their way back to thing they wanted hard reset their computer by holding the power button down and rebooting.

    This UI is GREAT if you have a touch screen Laptop or Tablet, it is rubbish for productivity on standard Keyboard and Mouse Desktop PC. It makes everything more complicated for users who are not that fast at picking up a new interface, im talking the kind of people that do not have smart phones and tablets, the kind of people that still use XP because Windows 7 is and i quote “to complicated” for them to get used to, people do not like change, and the Metro UI is to far taken away from the original interface people are used to.

  19. I’d be convinced, if it’s looks, and perform like win7. Because I still use Win7. Start button is a must, and , well… I don’t say it must have better performance than 7 or 8, but it’d be nice. NCIX told, that it might be only about $20, which is peretty DARN good deal, considering we are talking about Windows.
    I also heard that you will be able to disable win in your old machine, and for no cost, install it on an other. If that is the case, I’d even spend some on an ssd or something…
    I’ll see once it’s out. But I really wanna upgrade already.

  20. Follow the path of the light you must, the dark side is deceitful and leaves to pain and suffering…

  21. You make a very good point, for a power user it’s not an issue, but for the average consumer I could see it being difficult to use. Thinking about it I also avoid the Metro UI as much as possible only ever using the store to get 8.1, the UI is pretty clunky with a mouse and keyboard, hated most of the metro apps i’ve used and that’s with a subjective perspective.

  22. 7 was just a re-skinned vista.

  23. Here’s what I would need to convince me to buy Windows 9:
    – Being nothing like Windows 8.
    – No squares with one color anywhere, its ugly as a frogs belly.
    – Taskbar comes up immediately instead of going to a separate screen where I have to click.
    – and for crying out loud, no “windows have encountered a problem blah blah searching for a solution” pop-up that are usually just to waste alot of time and does nothing.
    – Integrated Rocketdock.
    – Be fully gratis ;P

  24. It’s nice to have easy access to an organized list, not relying on cluttering the taskbar and memorizing key shortcuts to work efficiently.

  25. How do we know you’re not Jewish?

  26. Really? You’re still not used to the Metro UI? Since Windows 8.1 I love working with the interface! You just need to get used to it. I removed every button on the Metro screen and then I made several groups so everything is neatly ordered on my screen. Much better than that inconvenient startbutton and -menu.
    What Microsoft needs to do is give a choice when you’re installing Windows: Do you want the Metro UI or not? Then this discussion is over and everyone is happy. Can’t be that hard to implement that can it?

  27. I can use the interface, i do not like it, as i said, its less intuitive that a standard start menu, i dont like the invasive nature of the UI, 20 years of using a start menu and desk top and the seemingly easier way to go between running programs.

    Windows 8.1 with a suitable “start menu” program, that removes for the most part all of the 8 UI is a wonderful OS, using it right now, feels just like Win7 just less process intensive.

    As a computer tech, and the only person in an extended circle of computer users that is proficient in repair, with a lot of them getting a new laptop or computer with windows 8 on and not knowing what the hell was going on with it, they are not the best at using the old UI but they are familiar with it and they have a good idea of how it works, they find the new UI almost impossible to use, they are restarting their computers to get out of Internet Explorer, because they do not understand how to go back to the start screen, with standard UI they click the X and its gone and they click the icon for the next.

    As you say, if it came with a UI option at installation, it would be a million times better and i know given the option 95% of the people who use windows 8 pick the desktop over metro UI. maybe through simplicity or maybe through laziness, i don’t know. But no, if third party program can almost entirely do away with metro, im sure the people who coded it could change it in a weekend. But no, windows 9 is around the corner, MS has ditched 8.1 and will probably give 8 users a “free upgrade” to 9 when its out. Maybe.