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AT&T spend billions on networking enhancements

AT&T have been sending out news releases and letters to their customers in the last few days which is firing speculation that the carrier may be coming to the final days of the exclusivity deal with the Apple iPhone in the U.S.

AT&T have said that this speculation has been ‘ridiculous' and that the letter was only sent out to inform customers about how they have improved their networking services and to seek customer feedback. They have also declined to answer any press related questions on their iPhone contract end date.

They have spent $19 billion in 2010 on new cell towers (600 new towers and sites) and rumours are rife in the U.S. right now that Verizon Wireless may start selling the iPhone in 2011.

KitGuru says: While AT&T are calling the claims ‘ridiculous' many analysts and bloggers are saying that the letter sounds like AT&T are beseeching their customers to stay with AT&T once the exclusive deal for the iPhone ends.

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