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Samsung tablet to use staggering 2560×1600 resolution

The Apple audience are waiting with baited breath for the upcoming iPad 3, which is said to feature a super high resolution ‘retina' display with 2048×1536 resolution. We have been following the rumours now for many months. Breaking news last night however would indicate that Samsung are keen to beat Apple to launch with a new tablet featuring an even higher resolution panel.

According to a news report on BGR, Samsung are clearly aiming to take the wind from Apple's sales by unleashing a new 11.6 inch display tablet with a staggering 2560×1600 resolution – the same as many leading 30 inch screens targeted towards the enthusiast audience.

Will Samsung beat Apple to launch with a super high resolution tablet screen?

Samsung haven't been trying to hide some details on their upcoming tablet, as they issued a press release last month which said they were using the next generation 2Ghz Exynos processor, designed from the ground up to power high resolution tablet displays.

They said “The Exynos 5250 is designed specifically for high-end tablets…In particular, the Exynos 5250 design was architected to drive up to an industry leading 2560×1600 (WQXGA) display.” As they manufacture the displays they certainly have a head start on competitors.

We would expect to see a prototype on some level at CES early next year.

Kitguru says: Would you buy a tablet with 2560×1600 resolution?

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One comment

  1. Samsung get my vote, but I dont see the need for this reoslution on a tablet. they will have to make the text really high DPI for it to be clear for instance. its a nother case of ‘chasing figures’. I think they all should aim for 1080p for media, so its perfect on a pixel per pixel basis.