Home / Component / APU / Gigabyte F2A85X-UP4 & AMD A10 5800K Review (w/ discrete)

Gigabyte F2A85X-UP4 & AMD A10 5800K Review (w/ discrete)

Aliens V Predator has proved to be a big seller since the release and Sega have taken the franchise into new territory after taking it from Sierra. AVP is a Direct X 11 supported title and delivers not only advanced shadow rendering but high quality tessellation for the cards on test today.

To test the cards we used a 1080p resolution with DX11, Texture Quality Very High, MSAA Samples 1, 16 af, ambient occulsion on, shadow complexity high, motion blur on. We use this with most of our graphics card testing so cards are comparable throughout reviews.

An impressive showing from the AMD A10 5800K system, averaging 104 frames per second at these settings, only a couple of frames behind the Intel Core i7 system. The Intel Core i3 2105 system is a further 2 frames per second slower.

This particular engine is specifically dependent on the graphics card.

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  1. The prices of these A85X motherboards are stupid. I wouldnt pay this for a board for a £95 chip

  2. Nice one AMD, im impressed with this chip. might think about getting one later this year, but I agree on motherboard price. it makes the whole deal seem less palatable.

  3. Awesome stuff, love it.

  4. Does kind of make me wonder when using a discrete graphics, that unless the on-board graphics hybrid crossfires with it, what’s the point of having have half the die of the chip made up of graphics. Being a gamer i wouldn’t be using the on-board, I know that it is a nice balance, but id love to see an AMD Piledriver sans graphics (Binary ?) with the full die for the CPU. Selfish maybe… 😉