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Kingston DC450R 3.84TB SSD Review

4KB Random Read Performance

Kingston rates the 3.84TB version of the DC450R as up to 99,000 IOPS for 4K random reads. With our 4-threaded tests, we managed to squeeze a little more out of the drive with a peak figure of 99,733 IOPS at QD of 32. After the initial burst from QDs 1 to 4 the drive's performance remained very consistent across the remainder of tested queue depths.

4KB Random Write Performance

The official 4K random write performance figure for the drive is up to 26,000 IOPS. However, with our 4 threads, 8GB span write test, the drive sailed past this figure, peaking at 88,314 IOPS at a QD of 16. We then ran a test using 1 thread at a QD of 1 across the whole drive, which produced a figure of 35,391IOPS, a lot closer to the official figure. Unlike the random read performance, the drive was consistent from the start of our tests.

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