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Epic says it turned on Xbox and PS4 cross-play by mistake

Over the weekend, plenty of Fortnite players on PS4 discovered that they were being matched up in games with Xbox One players. This was particularly strange as so far this generation, Sony has been a roadblock for developers looking to implement cross-play between PS4 and other consoles. Now, Epic Games has explained what happened, admitting to ‘accidentally' allowing cross-play before disabling it.

Cross-play has become a fairly big focus for some games this generation. Titles like Rocket League and Minecraft have really helped push it by supplying cross-play between Xbox, PC and even the Nintendo Switch. Sony unfortunately has not been receptive to the idea.

As for Fortnite, it seems that Epic Games found a way to enable cross-platform play all by itself without requiring any changes from Sony or Microsoft. However, in an email sent to Kotaku, the studio claimed that this was “a configuration issue” that has since been corrected.

While cross-play has been disabled for now, Epic has proven that developers can enable it all on their own, which in turn means the only thing stopping anyone is Sony's unwillingness to play along.

KitGuru Says: I have a feeling that cross-play may have been enabled as a test, rather than by mistake. However, Epic probably can't say that publicly. Still, hopefully now that cross-play appears to be so easy to get working, more pressure will be placed on Sony to just let developers implement it. 

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One comment

  1. I like the power play by Epic if they did it on purpose to finally try and push Sony into it. Sony doesn’t really have much to hide behind now at this point except for an “i don’t wanna”.