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Could smart cameras be the solution to privacy woes?

As much as having a camera set up can be great for security, in that it can record anyone breaking into your property, in an age of wireless updates and web clients, there's also the possibility that it will be hacked and its footage or feeds viewed by governments or nefarious individuals. Perhaps then a solution to this privacy issue, is a camera that's smart enough to know it doesn't need to record everyone, just those that shouldn't be there.


That's the solution offered by a new hardware startup company known as Butterflyeye. It's security cameras have a built in processing layer that considers who or what is in the frame before it records anything.

“There is image algorithm analytics. There is audio analytics. The microphone can recognize certain sounds. For example dogs barking, kids crying. And we’re working on a glass breaking algorithm,” says Butterfleye founder and CEO Ben Nader (via TechCrunch).

It's these cues, including facial tracking and recognition, which allows the camera to notice regular visitors to the house, or those that live there as friendly and therefore not worthy of recording. If someone it doesn't know shows up though, chances are it will take a few pictures or video. Ideally, the same would take place if someone smashes a window on camera, or does other things which would be considered worth recording. [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao4W36oHhdQ']

Unlike the Piper security camera system we reviewed recently, Butterfleye will only store footage for up to 24 hours for non-subscribers, though the plan is to offer packages that store it for longer for a monthly charge. There is a live-view option however, which is available online and notifications on any movement that does trigger the camera are sent straight to a user's email or phone.

Butterflyeye is available for pre-order on Indiegogo for $200 (£127) though the final retail price will be around $260. It easily reached its funding goal, so any more sales now may see new features added via stretch goals – though none have yet been announced.

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KitGuru Says: This seems like an interesting idea, though I'm still waiting for a camera firm to allow you to backup to a remote storage system you already pay for, rather than yet another subscription that must be paid. That's why you have to take your hat off to Piper for not charging for the privileged. 

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