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Raptr has been hacked, password changes encouraged

Raptr, the social themed video game service that comes bundled with AMD's graphics card drivers, has been hacked. According to reports, passwords, usernames, first and last names may have been accessed and as a result, password changes are recommended.

Raptr Founder and CEO, Dennis Fong, gave a statement on the security breach: “We're very sorry to inform you that some Raptr user data may have been recently compromised in an attack similar to hacking activities that have targeted other high-profile sites and services such as Xbox Live and Sony's PlayStation Network.”


While stored passwords are hashed, email addresses, usernames along with first and last names may have been accessed. Fong went on to advise Raptr users to change passwords on other services as well if you have used it more than once.

“Although the potential risk to Raptr users is pretty minimal, we urge you to access any accounts on other sites and services in which you use the same login and password associated with your Raptr account and change the related passwords immediately”.

All points Raptr users have earned are protected due to a two factor authentication system. You can read the full statement from Fong, HERE.

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KitGuru Says: Risk to Raptr users is fairly low but if you use the same password more than once, then it may be a good idea to update your other accounts as well. 

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  1. Envydia has struck! (not likely, but puns have to be made when possible!”

  2. There are sites out there that try to make this look like the ultimate disaster and go even farther and compare this with Nvidia’s lies about 970 specs. Those sites are definitely on Nvidia’s payroll.

    KitGuru on the other hand just posts the news with no fanfare. Glad to see this. You just gain many points in my eyes.