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Sony hackers to leak more Sony employee information

The group behind the massive Sony Pictures hack is apparently back to leaking stolen information. An anonymous user claiming to be part of the hack squad posted a message from GOP on to ‘FriendPaste', a pastebin like site.

The hackers are calling the upcoming data dump a ‘christmas gift', which will put Sony Pictures “in to the worst state”. The group is even taking requests for what to leak, inviting readers to email an address with the subject line ‘Merry Christmas', and then list what information they would like to know.


While GOP is threatening to leak even more information in an effort to hurt Sony Pictures, it has agreed to redact employee data if they email directly. “We have a plan to release emails and privacy of the Sony Pictures employees. If you don't want your privacy to be released, tell us your name and business title to take off your data.”

Obviously, there is no guarantee that the hackers will stick to their word on this. It is also possible that Sony employees will be barred from emailing about privacy concerns while the investigation is still under way.

Sony has attempted to put a stop to the spread of leaked files but that doesn't seem to be going so well for them. Additionally, the FBI has been unable to confirm the identity of the hackers. North Korea is largely suspected but these claims have since been refuted.

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KitGuru Says: While this hack has undoubtedly been horrible for Sony's reputation, it has done a pretty good job at drumming up public interest for ‘The Interview'. I imagine a lot of people will now go and see that movie just to see what all of the fuss is about.

Source: FriendPaste

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  1. As much as I fully support leaking information that is hidden from public, I don’t really like the way they did it.

  2. Leaking information? They plan on releasing employees names and pictures, how can you support something like that? Not counting the fact that these employees can be harassed by reporters to give information about an ongoing production, or something similar to that, this also makes them a possible target for threats and stuff of the like. I bet you would mind too if someone started posting information on a public site about you, information that is strictly personal. Dude… You need to rethink what you just said.