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Samsung Galaxy Note 6 to come with 6GB of RAM

While the Galaxy S7 is set to be announced this week, that doesn't mean that we should forget about what's ahead. This week, rumors surrounding the Galaxy Note 6 began to circulate, suggesting that it might just be the first smartphone in the world to pack in a massive 6GB of LPDDR4 RAM.

This leak comes from the Chinese site, Weibo, there is also currently a rumor going around that you will be able to plug the Galaxy Note 6 into docking station and an external display and use it like a proper computer.


On top of that, the Galaxy Note 6 is set to have a 5.8-inch 2560×1440 display, a 12-megapixel rear-facing camera with optical image stabilisation as well as 64GB or 128GB of internal storage.

Finally, while the Galaxy Note 5 skipped the UK entirely last year in favour of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+, word has it that this will change in 2016, with the Galaxy Note 6 set to head to the UK following on from fan disappointment.

KitGuru Says: The Samsung Galaxy Note 6 could turn out to be quite the phone when it comes to specs if this turns out to be true. 


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  1. Sigh, such stupid amounts of RAM for a cell phone…

  2. I have 3GB in my Note 4 and I am constantly running out of RAM and getting hickups. I run my phone kind of crazy like but still.

  3. That’s Android’s horrible optimization for you.

  4. That or the fact I am running 15 different programs at once on purpose. Iphone just uses crap software so it can run fast. If I throw windows 95 on my laptop it will fly.

  5. Really? That’s a horrible assumption, because like TKD said he has a lot of apps running, and I have 69 apps installed and 2GB RAM in my Note 2 and i’ve never seen less than 700MB free, sooooo…

  6. And why are you trying to run 15 programs on a PHONE? Either stump up and get a laptop or accept that smartphones are always going to be limited.
    Plus, if you push a phone that hard you can guarantee that the battery will be demolished within 18 months, and the thermal degradation on the hardware will have also probably crippled it.

  7. ❝my .friend’s mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet.❞….two days ago new McLaren. F1 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Here;;/305➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsJobs/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2::::;;/305……….

  8. Or they could put 6GB of RAM in the phone. Why be mad about progress? Would you prefer 64kb?

    If you don’t want a phone with 6GB of ram, you can always buy something else.

  9. ❝my .friend’s mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet.❞….two days ago new McLaren. F1 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month .,3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Here;;/322➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsJobs/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2::::;;/322……….

  10. Oh, yeah lets return to the old Apple days where they insisted no one would ever want to do more than one thing at a time. Yeah my battery goes bad after 18 months. You know what? I spend $10 and buy a new battery. That is the choice you have with Android.

  11. Apple makes some of the best software out there. Android as an OS is a memory hog and is terribly inefficient.

  12. You didn’t answer my question though. Why don’t you get a laptop or something suitable for all of that? Oh, and good luck with replacing batteries nowadays….

  13. As I said, why do you need that in a phone? The cost and problems of using 6GB of ram in a phone is staggering, but then people seem to be happy to blow £800 on a phone every two years but complain about petrol going up by 1p.

  14. Because I dont need to? Why not just program punch cards. I have a laptop and my phone is more convenient most of the time. Batteries are like $10 and unlike the Iphone I can replace mine.

  15. You only think it is good because it runs well on middle to low performing hardware. As I said, windows 95 would fly on my modern laptop.

  16. I have a Xiaomi mi4i with “only” 2gb RAM, and I never ran out of RAM in months of using it. Sure, it slows down a bit after heavy use and heating up, but even s6s tend to do that from time to time. Why would I want to drop my hard earned cash on gimmicky products! Give me something like the BB Priv with a nice little keyboard, and a 1080p screen keeping costs down, and you have yourself a deal.

  17. Despite the fact Apple’s SOCs beat out the competition every single year…

  18. And as I said, if you don’t want a phone with 6GB of RAM, don’t buy a phone with 6GB of RAM.

    *mind blown*

    All I’m reading from you is “wah wah wah I don’t want a phone with lots of ram, so you can’t have one either”

  19. Sounds like you wouldn’t buy an Android smartphone in the first place but then why crap on something you have no interest in buying? Let me guess, 1GB of RAM on iPhone 5-> 6 was enough but once Apple bumped it to 2GB with 6S, it was a worthwhile upgrade? Rumor has it iPhone 7 may ship with 3GB of RAM. For the price these smartphone companies charge us and how cheap RAM is, the more the better. 4-6GB isn’t much consider 16GB of DDR4-2666 costs like $80.

  20. I would, if the battery life and ease of use was significantly better.

    The fact you don’t use that much memory should tell you something, and stuffing RAM full only hurts your battery life.

  21. not now on s6 or s7 unless you know what you’re doing, bring back removable battery with note 6

  22. 6gb ram, and with a dock to use with a monitor if you like……or course more ram the better……!! and 256gb inside would help!! plus twin micro sd slots!

  23. yawnnnnn android/iphone yawn like being in the playground…. the both copy each other one way or another

  24. You really set yourself with that comment.

    Android Phablets detroy iPhones in the areas you outlined as the reasons to choose IOS:

    Samsung Note 5 = 9h 11 min battery life / 81 min charge time
    Samsung Note 4 = 8h 43 min battery life / 95 min charge time
    iPhone 6S Plus = 6h 32 min battery life / 171 min charge time

    Samsung S5 = 7h 38 min / 122 min charge time
    Samsung S6 = 7h 14 min / 74 min charge time
    iPhone 6 = 5h 22 min / 147 min charge time


    Battery life is actually one of the key reasons not to get an iPhone, not to mention it doesn’t have quick charging.

    As far as ease of use goes, that’s questionable. It’s far harder to transfer/save data/video/music from an iPhone to a PC, or any PC device for that matter. It’s impossible to add a microSD card for the cheap.

    Sounds like you are just loyal to brands based on your pro-comments on Apple and Nvidia. It’s perfectly fine to be a fan of those companies but showing little objectivity by claiming that more RAM reduces battery life while those devices smash iPhone 6/6S counters your claims.

    ** I have both iPhones and Android phones **

  25. I have an iPhone 6 and it takes maybe 30 minutes to charge from 0 to full.

    No, I have no product loyalties. Apple’s been ahead where I’ve needed it to be when I’ve had to purchase new phones. It’s luck of the draw.

  26. iPhone 6 charges from 0-100% in 30 minutes? You are full of it.

    Anandtech = 2.28 Hours (~ 137 minutes)

    “However, according to 9to5mac, you can charge the phone with the more powerful charger that ships with the iPad, which is 2.1A and according to the below article, charges it at 2.1A. Although they have said in their tests that it charges faster, there is no definitive evidence to suggest it charges at 2.1A, but if it does, based on the same calculation, it would take 1.7 hours or 1 hour 42 minutes.

    9to5mac.comiPhone 6 and 6 Plus support faster charging, but ship with slower power adapter

    The Telegraph have done a timed charging test with a 12w charger (the 2.1A iPad charger or equivalent) and they claim it took 2 hours 30 mins.

    This is a practical result, but is with the iPad charger.”

    Every reply you make at me just undermines your credibility.

  27. Anandtech’s charge testing is far from perfect. In fact I suspect they’re putting phones under heavy use while charging. It never takes me much more than half an hour.

  28. How do you figure that?

  29. Must I quote geekbench and the Phoronix suite?

  30. Since you said that I checked geekbench and the Galaxy 6 Edge is the top Android phone with a score of 4511. The highest IOS phone is the 6S with a score of 4341. Another words, it lost.

  31. Yeah, a few months after the iPhone 6S launched, and it’s 2 cores vs. 8. Clearly Apple’s the one with the superior hardware.

  32. Having more cores run cooler is better for battery as well as a ton of other things. That is why IOS has such a bad battery among other issues. You are arguing that your 2 core phone is better than the 8 core one. That is right after the 6 Edge launched too, so don’t try to play it off like it is an older phone. Half the crap in the Iphones are made for them by Samsung. I don’t know why you would think it would be better.

  33. Samsung only produces the chips. It doesn’t design them. It may make the display panel too, but I could have sworn Apple still used LG for that.

    More cores run cooler? Real funny. Samsung’s phones get very, very warm. I can hold my iPhone 6 with no protector, bare metal to skin and dump a floating point benchmark on it and be fine. Do it to a Galaxy S5/S6, it will get hot enough to make you very uncomfortable.

  34. So you give up on science and go back to personal experience now huh? Okay. The reason Samsung phones CAN get hotter is because it can run more operations than the IOS can. If I have one operation running it is not going to get hot. Period. Not at all. If I am running 10 apps in the background it will heat up some, because Iphones are made to not be able to do that. Basically Iphones limit what you can do so you will feel like it does tasks better. If microsoft improved windows 98 but never did a major upgrade, they could keep running the OS on old crappy hardware. Same is true for Iphones. Remember when they said you shouldn’t have to have but one app run at a time? When they said no one wanted to run more than one? More cores at a lower Mhz will always run cooler given the same conditions. There is no argument here.

  35. No, I’m sticking with science. No one gets more from their tech than Apple. Does that mean they couldn’t give more tech? No.

    Actually it gets hotter because it’s a poorer design.

    No, I can get it near scalding with 1 app. iPhones can also handle multiple apps just fine. Clang just makes memory use so efficient the RAM specs seem lacking for the many uninformed.

    On the same node running the same ISA, generally yes. Both Intel and ARM have exceptions to that rule.

  36. If it’s got no removable battery and no expandable memory via micro SD, I’m still not interested. While I loved my Note 3, the Note 5 wasn’t what I would call great and as such, I chose to go with the LG V10 and it’s been outstanding.

  37. You are all over the board. You keep jumping from wanting to discuss actual numbers to personal experience to just made up stories. I am not going to keep discussing this with you because you can’t stick to anything. When I back you down you just jump to other conjecture or make something up or just say you experienced it differently. No, it doesn’t get scalding with 1 app. I highly doubt you have ever actually owned any android phone even. No phone gets “near scalding”. When I am wireless tethering, updating my apps, and playing music, I can get my phone to heat up to “warm” at best. When you say “No one gets more from their tech than Apple” you are right though. They get mega bucks for outdated hardware and software because it appears to run good and has a shinny appearance and that is what the uninformed buyer wants. Now, I have chased as many rabbits as you and jumped from fact to opinion as much as you have so I am done here.

  38. My must for the next one is IR. I love it on my Note 4 and I am not willing to part with that until a future date if the Note 6 doesn’t have it.

  39. Nope – I’m saying you’re a jackass trying to use a chocolate teapot when you have a steel one next to you.

  40. No, I’m the one that’s looking forward to my “chocolate teapot” being improved on until it’s a full fledged mini steel one. Continual improvement. Between my former Note 4 and my current Note Pro 12.2 and Note 5, I haven’t used my laptop in almost 2 years.

    Continual improvement is never a bad thing under any circumstances. Why bemoan progress? Because we already have something that works good enough, that’s it? Humanity should stop striving to make something better?

  41. Am I not allowed to use all 3 depending on context and conversation? Personal attack, personal attack, personal attack…

    Their hardware isn’t outdated at all (except arguably screen resolution, but using phones for VR is stupid anyway since curving flat pixels causes sickening edge distortions even at 4K.). At each launch Apple is ahead of the competition in performance, so how exactly can it be outdated? Further, apart from some exclusive Android platform apps, what exactly does Apple’s system lack? 8 Chrome tabs working seamlessly not enough for you?

  42. I can pull up 10 reviews that all prove you wrong. Face it, no iPhone 6 in the world can charge in less than 90 minutes but yours can in 30 min? Please, stop with the BS.

    Patrick ‘Making Up Facts’ Proctor:
    “I have an iPhone 6 and it takes maybe 30 minutes to charge from 0 to full.”

    “You get 31% from a 30 minute charge and it charges fully in two hours exactly.

  43. Well if you’re happy to burn that hole in your pocket then go crazy. I would just buy something which does the same/more for half the price.