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US Xbox One sales doubled in June

Microsoft's decision to sell a cheaper, Kinecless Xbox One bundle is already paying off as US sales of the console actually doubled in June. The jump in sales could also be partially attributed to the holiday lineup of games announced at E3,  including The Master Chief Collection and Sunset Overdrive.

The Kinectless £349/$399 bundle matched the PS4 on price when it launched on the 9th of June but not everyone is keen to upgrade to the new generation as Microsoft also saw “solid growth” in Xbox 360 sales.


Since the new Xbox One offering launched on June 9th, we’ve seen sales of Xbox One more than double* in the US, compared to sales in May, and solid growth in Xbox 360 sales.

Microsoft also teased upcoming deals for the holiday season later this year: “Gamers love the holidays and we are lining up incredible deals and special promotions to celebrate.”

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KitGuru Says: Microsoft had a good E3 this year and announced quite a few good games for the Xbox One. However, it will need to do more to convince people to upgrade, retail Xbox 360 sales should be declining not rising. Do any of you guys own an Xbox One? Are you happy with it?

Source: Xbox Wire

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One comment

  1. Probably because half of the market just realised they have killed the Kinnect and dropped a lot in price, but this still isn’t 100% better news.