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Rumoured Mass Effect 4 details leaked

Although Mass Effect 4 isn't expected to be released until sometime next year and we haven't been given any official details about its premise, plot, or setting, some rumoured details have appeared thanks to a survey conducted by a fan. In it, they were said to have been given information on what players will be doing in the fourth instalment of the series and it's quite different from the adventures of Commander Shepard in its predecessors.

Although obvious, it's worth stating that this news piece contains potential spoilers. Thanks Reddit.

Instead of saving the galaxy from the menace of a hostile, alien threat, players will be searching a new region of space known as the Helius Cluster, for a new home for humanity. The game is said to be sandbox of sorts, with a game ‘world' more than four times larger that of Mass Effect's. Players will navigate it, survive in it, fight enemies and build colonies, all the while levelling up their crew, improving their ship and making alliances with dangerous elements of the universe.

The main story will see players discover technology from an ancient race known as the Remnant, which holds the power to give humanity the edge in their hope to begin their expansion into the cosmos once again.


Much like previous Mass Effect games, taking on crew will be a vital component, just as their actions and temperament can be affected by your interactions with them. By helping or ignoring them, players will be able to forge a unique story each play through.

More so than other games in the series, there will also be a strategic element to ME4, with players hiring on mercenaries and training teams of AI controlled soldiers to hold corners of space where you can't be at all times. Defending territory is a big job, even for a player character, so sending them off on missions will be of vital importance.

And on top of all that, there will be driving missions, survival elements, raids and elite ones for those wanting to unlock the rarest of loot; and maybe some multiplayer features too.

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KitGuru Says: It's worth remembering that all of this is rumoured information with no sourcing or citations. Chances are whoever wrote the survey it comes from might have thrown in theoretical elements for the game too, rather than just outlining the future experience. Still, it's interesting to speculate as always. 

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  1. This feels like all that “Command Armies” stuff they wanted to put in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

  2. And finally when you finish doing all of that, Humanity comes at its Peak Success, those fucking Reaper come back again and fuck things up like a vicious circle.

  3. Pure bullsh|t if that’s true. No where in the lore is it established they have any relays powerful enough to go from one extreme end to the other end within the milk way alone let alone to another galaxy that is 2.5 million, read that million, light years away from Milky Way while the Milky way is mere 100,000 light years in diameter. The amount of eezo/energy needed to even begin to think of such things to send one ship let alone a fleet of ships for as pathfinder group? What is this relay going to be powered by? Oh yes, “Space Magic”

    If the writers want to throw out all the lore that took years of hard work to work out so they can go to another galaxy so as to not touch the stench and problems of the current trilogy’s conclusions then they’ve lost their marbles.

    Better hope this survey is a full on fake.

  4. Explore places, establish outposts and garrison them with NPCs… Totally doesn’t sound like a cheap sci-fi reskin of another recent Bioware game. Nope. Definitely not. Dunno what you’re talkin’ about.

  5. “New region of space” does not mean “new galaxy”. “Helius Cluster” – this is like the names of the current clusters already in the Milky Way. More than likely it’s the equivalent of a new destination on the galaxy map.

  6. Simona Draksaite

    so then they’re sticking with their shitty ending? Not worth even thinking about buying this one then.

  7. weirdkindofawesome

    Nobody is a fan of how the ended the third one. But that doesn’t mean this one is going to suck. Look at DA:I for example. The second one was a piece of junk but the Inquisition was mind blowing. I’m going to try it out. I want to support the studio that made the best game of my life (KOTOR).

  8. So you didn’t even read the reddit source, I don’t usually help lazy types but here it is:

    The next Mass Effect game takes place in the Helius Cluster (a cluster of 100s of solar systems in the Andromeda Galaxy), far removed by time and space from Commander Shepard’s heroic acts and the final events of the Mass Effect trilogy.

    That’s all right there at the start of that reddit post.