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PowerColor peppers the market with new, X2 multi-GPU

“So what do you call a pair of PowerColor multi-GPU cards stacked end to end?”, sounds like the beginning of a rather geeky joke. To which the punchline must be ‘Bloody long'. But there's a more serious aspect to this comedia intro, as we found out in the graphics giant's private suite at Computex 2011.

Let's be honest, the Radeon HD 6990 was a bit of an after thought. The mass market is far away from £500 uber-cards and the really big market actually exists under the £150 mark. Creating monster cards takes a huge engineering effort and you're unlikely to sell enough of them to retire on.

But then there's the bragging rights.

The cascade effect of, for example, being THE supplier of tyres or oil or hair care products to Formula One. That kind of thing.

Being fast is, by its very nature, glamorous. So the effort was made, the 6990 born – and a world champion created and the rest is history.

But what about all of the other ‘two chip combos’ that are possible?   Who, if anyone, will be making those?

We, the nice young lady we spoke to in the PowerColor suite said that the company had been given ‘a strong nod from AMD’ that they expected the board partners to step up with new designs of their own.

Enter the new range of PowerColor X2 products. We already posted some pictures on this, but the ‘6870×2' caused enough interest among our readers earlier this week for us to show a few more!

PowerColor has its genetic modification programme in full swing - and its all about twins


Radeon HD 6970 x2 from Powercolor - stretched out with a naked friend

KitGuru says: We loves a bit of the old dual-head action, so roll on the rest of the X2 range!

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  1. Right, so since this will fall in between the 6950 and 6970 in terms of performance I’m wondering whether it will cost in line with its performance because if powercolor decide to undercut the 6950’s they’d rake in the cash.

    Also is the lucid chip on the card, does that mean I can shove in another 6870 x2 too?

  2. I have to second Arfan on this. I’m wondering similar things right now about all of this.