Home / Channel / KitGuru TV: Titan X, Sli, AMD’s 390x and AMD Freesync, Nvidia GSYNC

KitGuru TV: Titan X, Sli, AMD’s 390x and AMD Freesync, Nvidia GSYNC

Today two of our hardware editors Luke Hill and Leo Waldock sat down to chat about an array of topics, such as the recent release of Nvidia's £900 monster Titan X Maxwell graphics card and they weighed up the pros and cons of Sli.

They also discussed AMD and their upcoming R9 390X (name not officially confirmed) graphics card. The topic of ‘Sync-ing' was brought up and the related technologies by both AMD and NVIDIA.

Related video topics:
Read the KitGuru Nvidia Titan X Review HERE.
Watch our video with Sapphire on AMD Freesync HERE
Read our review of the Asus Nvidia GSYNC Monitor HERE
Read rumours on the upcoming AMD R9 390X HERE

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