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Chillblast switches all its gaming laptops to SSHD

We'd expect a drive vendor like Seagate to be overly enthusiastic about its SSHD drives, but Ben's interest is solely on delivering Chillblast gaming laptop customers with the best experience possible. Here he is explaining – and demonstrating – his company's mobile storage choice.

We recently had Ben in the KitGuru studio to show how Skylake had improved the performance of Chillblast's top spec desktop gaming systems. As components continue to deliver more gaming capability – while drawing less and less electrical power, so the gaming laptop has advanced. Chillblast has now moved 100% of its designs across to Seagate's SSHD products for storage, Ben demonstrated why.

You can see the full line up of SSHD-enabled Chillblast systems over here.

KitGuru says: We encourage anyone interested in mobile gaming to head up to Multiplay's i55 event at the Ricoh Arena over the Bank Holiday weekend and try some side-by-side tests of your own!

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