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Pokémon Go Halloween event doubles candy rewards to entice you back

Niantic, the developers of augmented reality summer-hit app, Pokémon Go, is hoping to entice the millions who have stopped playing to once again whip out their phones and wander the neighbourhood in search of digital monsters. To encourage you to head out into the cold, there are now higher chances of finding certain Pokémon and candy multipliers in play.

Running from 26th October to 1st November, the Halloween update for Pokémon Go makes the spawns for Drowsee, Hypno, Zubat, Golbat, Ghastly, Haunter and Gengar more common. While that's neat for anyone who hasn't caught all of those – not that uncommon – Pokémon yet, the change to candy earning will be much more useful. [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An2Dq6FcMjU']

All Pokémon, regardless of type, will earn double candies when caught, transferred or hatched over the next few days, but even more importantly, Buddy Pokémon candies earned will be quadrupled, making it much easier for you to earn those extras that you need for that Dragonite or similarly hard to find pocket monster.

Presumably the idea is that kids will play the game while they Trick or Treat, but Niantic seemed to suggest it would be holding bigger events than this post launch. Really we've yet to see much materialise.

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KitGuru Says: I'm not sure more Drowzees and Zubats are something anyone needs, but the theme makes sense. I don't know if this is really the kind of big content update the game needs to encourage people to keep playing though. There needs to be something more to do than just catch Pokémon.

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  1. This is still a thing I thought people would be bored of it already and have moved on to the next cartoon childish game. Here is a thought go outside leave your phone inside get some frickin fresh air leave the poke people alone all they want is your money..lol

  2. Søren Chr. Nielsen

    Well newsflash for you, it made people go outside into said fresh air. 😛

  3. Well news flash right back at yea. It also made people violate peoples property and causing trouble and leaving garbage everywhere. All you have to do is Google it to find out all of the mishaps Pokemon Go has caused for property owners and Pokey players as well. But hey if going outside and walking around like mindless fools is considered a good thing and getting fresh air that way then tell that to the few players that got hurt while playing such as getting shot or just blindly walking into streets etc etc etc. This was the worst thought out game of all time and yes I tried it but after 30 minutes I found it to be pretty much boring and not worth the time and phone battery it used up. But hey to each his/her own if you like the game play it but be mind full of peoples property and be careful not to end up somewhere you don’t want to be.

  4. Søren Chr. Nielsen

    Ah yes, let’s forget all the good that it’s done to the people and focus on the negatives. “Oh no, people are using the public spaces in a way that I don’t like! This is the worst.” People walk around with their heads glued to their phone screens anyway, this just brought more people outside. The more people that are outside, the more people will experience good and bad things outside. It’s inherently more dangerous to go outside than staying inside, and the fact that people don’t pay attention says nothing about the game and everything about the people in question. People getting shot or harrassed while playing says nothing against the game and everything against other people in the street.

    It’s a game like any other. What value it has for a person depends on the person. You found it incredibly boring and I acknowledge that, but was it reeeally the worst thought out game of all time? How many games have you played? Many people didn’t find it boring for a good while. There are tons of stories of people who’ve had great experiences playing the game.

  5. Yes the game has different value to different people some like it and others do not. My main point was we heard way to many stories of people violating other peoples property rights by trespassing on people property or causing damage or just leaving garbage behind after they were done. It was so bad that there were huge amounts of property owners requesting that there property be taken off of the list because of this.

    Yes there was also good as you said it got people outside and doing stuff and not all of the players were or are bad and cause trouble. But all we hear in the news and on Media sites is the bad because that gets attention to the news outlet which raises ratings. Myself I have no use for the game I tried it did not like it and uninstalled it off of my phone but others will like it and that is up to them.

    I am just stating one type of problem with this game as you said there were others well like people getting beat up or their phones stolen etc and that also was covered by the news media. I guess I am not into something like this turning our society in even more Zombie like with more people than ever just blindly walking and staring into their screens for no other reason than to catch a poki creature…lol

  6. Søren Chr. Nielsen

    Well I definitely agree with this, but I just don’t think it’s fair to blame the game. 😀 Ingress (a different game by the same company) does the exact same thing, so it’s not something unique to Pokemon GO. It’s just that so many people joined in on this latest fad that any problems that already existed got blown waaay up. But I digress.

    I totally agree that people should respect people’s property and not cause trouble in general. I’ve been left shaking my head numerous times as I heard stories of just how unbelievably idiotic people can be. The problem is not the games however, it’s people’s inability to think before they act XD

  7. I actually have to agree with this. It is not the fault of the game itself it is just the tool used by the people that are abusing other peoples properties and others being beaten up and their phones stolen or worse.

  8. Søren Chr. Nielsen

    Glad we came to an agreement ^_^ Have a nice day!