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Microsoft has talked about making Windows open source

Windows has been around for a long time, it was the very thing that made Microsoft what it is today but for the most part, the software has remained stuck in a walled off garden, but that doesn't mean that one day Microsoft will set it free and make an open source version of Windows.

According to Mark Russinovich, one of Microsoft's engineers, an open source version of Windows is “definitely possible” and the company has even talked about it, although it has also talked about plenty of other possible options during the transformative period that came after Satya Nadella became CEO.


This was said at ChefConf 2015, which Wired attended. Chef is an open source tool that helps set up and maintain operation of machines needed to drive business related software. At the event, he is quoted as saying: “It's a new Microsoft. Every conversation you can imagine about what should we do with our software—open versus not-open versus services—has happened.”

Obviously talking about the possibility of an open source Windows isn't quite the same as actually doing it, but it is interesting to see how Microsoft is considering all possibilities for its new business direction.

You can read Wired's full report, HERE.

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KitGuru Says: While Linux isn't anywhere near as popular as Windows, there are a lot of people making a push for it due to its open source nature. Do you guys think an open-source version of Windows would do well? Is it something Microsoft should put more thought in to?

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  1. Hussein Galal Zarea

    It may happen in a few decades 🙂

  2. I don’t think it is going to happen. It would be like Microsoft was totally abandoning the OS market, or just committing suicide. Linux is great but one of it’s biggest problems is that there are so many distros out there that it is a huge mess. While this is considered the biggest advantage of Linux it is also the reason, in my opinion, that big players don’t really support it. Yes there are a couple of distros that are really popular, but in the end it is just a huge mess. On the other hand everyone is behind Android because Android is completely controlled by Google. And when companies are messing with Android adding “features” and “better” UIs, they usually get negative feedback. Companies are also much more interested in Chrome OS than Linux for the same reason.
    So, Microsoft opening Windows will mean only too things. Either they are trying to commit suicide, or they are leaving Windows behind. Neither looks a possibility to me.

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  4. Sian Tohillmartin

    I think making windows open source would definitely make windows a shit ton more stable